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Drawn and Quartered


Drawn & Quartered is a Quadruple dry Hopped Imperial India Pale Ale. 


The revised version of Drawn & Quartered closely resembles the original in process.  The major difference with this batch is the substantial addition of fresh 2020 Nelson (2019 wasn't a great crop year and overall did not hold up to Nightmare Quality Standards, so the amount was lowered in those previous iterations)

Drawn & Quartered has hops thrown in each vessel of the brewing process - Mash, Kettle, Fermentor & Brite - as well as four separate times during fermentation.  By featuring different hops at different times and stages, the flavors and aromatics range drastically.  Nectarine, mango and underlying white wine aromatics.  Soft up front with tropical notes, mango, ripe pineapple, tangerine and lychee flavors.  Finishes with a dank bite and alcohol warmth on the back end.    Featuring Nelson, Sauvin, Galaxy, Enigma & Citra   along with   the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse  -  War, Pestilence, Famine & Death. 


Enjoy fresh before it brings about the end of days...


Pairs well with : 

Shadow of Intent - 

“The Prelude to Bereavement”

Art Executioner :  Ink Rituals

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